Say Bye Bye to Acne Thanks To This Lotion

Say Bye Bye to Acne Thanks To This Lotion

I heard great things about the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion at the tail end of last year, so I decided to dive in and give it a try and I’ve been trialling it since January.

Mario Badescu is fast becoming one of the first places I turn when it comes to skincare – their Seaweed Cleanser is probably my all-time favorite and I’m very glad to now have it back in my life after trying to take a hiatus from it for few months whilst I used other things up, my skin was the best it had ever been last year and since I stopped using it, my skin has gone crazy.

The Drying Lotion is an intense spot treatment which is designed to help heal spots faster. I think we’ve heard enough that my skin is having a little moment, which I’m hoping is down to stress rather than anything else as I’ve cut everything out of my routine and started again and they seem to keep coming. I’ve been getting large, painful pressure spots which never come to a real head on my right cheek initially but now more chin area.

Unlike most topical treatments, the way you would apply this is to dip a cotton bud into the fluid. Make sure the two layers are separated, you’re supposed to dip through the alcohol into the calamine solution and then bring it slowly up. Do not mix the two layers, again, they need to be separated.

Just dab the lotion onto the pimples. Then, go to bed.

After the second night, the whiteheads are gone and they appear much smaller. Again, they’re not totally gone just yet.

So, did it work?

Yes, it obviously did work. I wouldn’t say it was very fast but it was effective. I didn’t go beyond two nights because three nights would be considered average so I just wanted to see if it was fast. It was relatively fast but the lotion didn’t take care of the redness and it has very drying properties – that’s exactly how the lotion shrinks the pimple so putting makeup in the morning might be a pain because of the flaky skin. That’s my bad though.



Relatively. Two nights flattened, not redness gone though. It will also leave an acne scar as all pimples sort of do. It’s their little foot print.


Yes. It works. As you can see.

Shrink ugly whiteheads virtually overnight while you sleep?

 It shrunk the pimple overnight. Yes.

So overall, this is a good acne medication! It did shrink my pimples but I wouldn’t say it’s particularly fast. It also is not good for large patches of acne because I’ve tried that before and it wasn’t as effective. For spot treatments for one or two zits, this is the way to go.

Available at: for AED 103


  1. Rafia

    What else have you tried for acne that’s worked? I’m getting so sick of my breakouts
    Have you tried quitting sugar and dairy?

    • admin

      Hi Rafia,
      Actually my sister quit dairy and her acne’s gone completely but I just can’t seem to☹️ I’m addicted to cheese😂 Roaccutane also helped me tremendously. Consult your dermatologist and maybe do a course on that as well. Good luck!

  2. Kemela

    Hi, so aside from the spot conversation which I won’t start on, because I won’t stop due to my skin being a right nightmare too. Your lipstick in this post photo, please can I ask what it is?

    • admin

      Awww…I hope it gets better for you too… The lipstick I have on is the Huda beauty bombshell

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