My Lash Extension Experience

My Lash Extension Experience

When The Cure Beauty Lounge reached out to me and asked if I’d like to learn more about eyelash extensions and try them on for myself, I jumped at the opportunity! My friend was OBSESSED with them! I had to see what all the fuss was about!

When I arrived at the place, I was taken in for my appointment which started right on time.

The entire procedure is painless. You’re lying on your back with your eyes closed the entire time. It was very relaxing, and Julie the eyelash technician has such a calming demeanor that the whole process was really quite enjoyable for me and took 60 minutes in total (which is quite fast).

The actual extensions took a little getting used to. I already have pretty long and rather full lashes to begin with so I definitely noticed that something was different about them right away. They fluttered in the breeze the moment I stepped outside. It felt like I had butterflies sitting on my eyelids.

My eyes had oomph and definition without me having to do anything at all. But it did take me a good while to get used to them first thing in the morning or just before bed. I looked like I had makeup on even though I didn’t. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, just different. But I did miss wearing eye makeup! The whole point of eyelash extensions is that you really don’t have to wear eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, and stuff. But I really like that stuff!

It’s definitely more of the natural or no-makeup-makeup gals who LOVE the lashes more than the gals who love to wear eye makeup (they missed it just as much as I did). But I definitely can see and understand the benefit to those with barely there (in color, length, or fullness) lashes, or those getting ready to attend a special event, like a wedding or photo shoot.

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Excuse my bare face…

A full set will cost you AED 500, and refills are around AED 350 every 4 weeks.

What are eyelash extensions?

Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent eyelash extensions comprised of individual synthetic eyelashes that are curved to replicate a natural eyelash. When properly applied, eyelash extensions look and feel completely real. They come in a variety of thicknesses, curls, and colors to perfectly replicate the wearer’s natural eyelashes. The overall effect is added curl, thickness, and length, which opens the eye up for added definition.

Are they safe?

If done correctly, they are completely safe. And the synthetic fibers the eyelash extensions are made of have the least possible chance of allergic reactions to human skin. They should; however, ONLY be applied by a trained and licensed stylist. Self-application or application by untrained individuals is strongly discouraged.

How long do they last?

The look can be maintained indefinitely with refills and proper care. When properly applied, an eyelash extension will remain in place until the natural lash on which it rests falls out. This can be as long as two months or more. Natural eyelashes grow in and fall out in cycles of 60 to 90.

How do you care for them?

You’ll want to be careful with them for the next 2 to 3 days while you get used to them, and not get them wet for the first 48 hours. After that, you’ll be able to go about your daily life as usual. Rubbing your eyes and sleeping on your stomach is discouraged, as is wearing mascara. Oil is what breaks them down, so oil-free cleansers and makeup removers are best to use when you have eyelash extensions.

Available at:  The Cure Beauty Lounge (Media City)

Contact: Telephone: +971 4 3916485

 Price:  AED 500 (Full Set Semi Permanent)



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